X Files Episodes
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Conduit 1 x 03
Episode: Conduit   Episode Number: 1x03   Tagline: The Truth is Out There  Focus: Kevin Morris
Writing:Alex Gansa, Howard Gordon Direction: Daniel Sackheim  Original US Airdate: 01 Oct 1993  Nielsen Rating: 6.3
Location: Sioux City, Iowa Title Explanation : Kevin is a conduit for aliens trying to communicate
A teenaged girl is mysteriously abducted. Scully thinks the girl has been murdered nad that Mulder is allowing his personal feelings to cloud his judgement towards the case.


Scully: "I just don't think it's a good idea to antagonize the local law enforcement."
Mulder: "Who, me? I'm Mr. Congeniality."
Scully: "You never know, we might need his help one of these days."
Mulder: "I'll send him a bunt cake." ---

Mulder: "C'mon, how could an 8 year old boy who can barely multiply be a threat to national security? People call ME paranoid." ---

Mulder: (Reacting to the NSA trashing the house) "You guys do really delicate work."

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