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Born Again 1 x 21
Episode: Born Again   Episode Number: 1x21   Tagline: The Truth is Out There  Focus: Charlie Morris/Michelle
Writing: Howard Gordon,Alex Gansa Direction: Jerrold Freedman  Original US Airdate: 29 Apr 1994 Nielsen Rating: 8.2
Location: Buffalo, New York Title Explanation : Refers to Charlie Morris being reincarnated as Michelle
An eight-year old girl is the prime suspect in a series of bizarre, seemingly unrelated deaths.


Mulder: "How'd you hear about us?"
Lazard: "My brother. My brother's a cop. Baltimore. He told me about your work on the Tooms case and said you've got a good feel for things . . . out of the ordinary." ---

Mulder: "Plus jumpers tend to open the windows before they jump." ---

Mulder: "Why is it still so hard for you to believe?!"
Scully: "There weren't any ghosts flying around the precinct." ---

Mulder: "Michelle is eight years old. That means she was conceived at roughly the same time the Officer Morris was killed."
Scully: "Do me a favor Mulder and let me say it. Reincarnation." ---

Mulder: "Short of growing a mustache what more apparent does it have to become for you to accept it?" ---

Scully: "Pathologists are paranoid by nature."

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