Patient X
Episode Number: 5x13
Tagline: The Truth is Out There
QUOTES Krycek: Your authority is not recognized here. Only your lies. --- Krycek: Tell them to kiss my American ass. --- Mulder: A conspiracy, wrapped in a plot, inside a government agenda. --- Spender: I'd like to build a reputation
here. Not be given one. (Answering the phone) (Newspaper Mulder is looking at reads:
All this conjecture about little green men - false, dangerous, delusional.)
Mulder: One more anal-probing, gyro-pyro
levitating ectoplasm alien anti-matter story and I'm gonna take out
my gun and shoot somebody. Mulder: You know? You . . . you .
. . you . . . you try to reveal what's hidden, you try to incite people
with the facts, but they'd rather believe some insane nonsense, refusing
to believe what our government is capable of. Mulder: The woman is a nut, Scully!
Scully: Oh, no, he, uh, he asked
if you please not talk about this with anyone. Scully: Well, you gonna give me your
theory then? |