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Three of a Kind
Episode Number: 6x19
Tagline: The Truth is Out There
QUOTES Byers: My name is John Fitzgerald Byers. I was named after our 35th president, and I keep having this beautiful dream. In my dream, the events of November 22nd, 1963, never happened. In it, my namesake was never assassinated. Other things are different, too, in my dream. My country is hopeful and innocent; young again. Young in spirit. My fellow citizens trust their elected officials, never once having been betrayed by them. My government is truly "of the people, by the people, for the people." All my hopes for my country, for myself . . . all are fulfilled. I have everything a person could want: home and family . . . and love. Everything that counts for anything in life . . . I have it. But the dream ends the same way every time. I lose it all. --- Glasses Man: Bring your wife? Langly: Three thousand dollars . .
. I told you to fold. It should have been me in there playing, why does
Byers get to do the undercover? Frohike: Yeah, well I'm gonna go
way out on a limb here and say, it's the t-shirt. Byers: I almost won. Frohike: Yeah, you and everyone else. --- Mulder's Voice: It's the Lone Gunmen.
They're onto something big. Byers: It was her. She's here. I've got to find her! Frohike: You've gotta find some ice, you need a drink. --- Langly: Doo-doo, kaa-kaa, poo-poo. Langly: What if "they" did something
to him? You know, to make him pancake himself? Scully: What happened? Langly: So . . . you're done with
Jimmy? Langly: Autopsy was negatory. Jimmy
squished himself. Frohike: They're just lucky I got
a conscience. Fletcher: Cigarette? (As Frohike pulls Scully away, Fletcher says his goodbyes.) Fletcher: We could have been stardust. Scully: Maybe next time. (Scully gives Fletcher one good slap on the ass before Frohike finally pulls her away.) --- Frohike: (quietly to Scully) Good work, party girl. --- Timmy: You know the best thing about
killing you three . . . I won't have to dress like you anymore . . .
( Byers uses the injector gun on his ankle, shooting him up. He falls
on Byers.) Scully: (on her cellphone, shouting) Hello, Mulder? Can you hear me? I'm at the hotel. Where are you? What do you mean, "what hotel," Las Vegas. I'm in Las Vegas, aren't you? You called me. What do you mean you didn't call me? Oh man, I am gonna kick their asses. --- Frohike: So you wanna hit the slots? |