Episode Number: 7x12
Tagline: The Truth is Out There
Working Title: Bad Boys
QUOTES Wetzel: I don't know what it is about a full moon. It's just something about it. People just go off the wall. I mean, these are some pretty scary neighborhoods to begin with. --- Wetzel:
I mean, I didn't see anything that he's talking about. Mulder:
I'm sorry, but you're going to have to be isolated and kept under guard.
Scully: Mulder, have you noticed that we're on television? Scully:
Look, Mulder, you want to talk about werewolves to me you can knock
yourself out. I may not agree with you but at least I'm not going to
hold it against you but this . . . Mulder, this could ruin your career.
Mrs. Guerrero: Claw monster. Claw monster. (Pointing at the drawing of Freddy Krueger) Deputy Juan Molina: Claw monster. Boy, you know, they kill him in every movie and he just keeps coming back. (chuckles and heads for the door.) I'm sorry. ---
Mulder: So, what did Skinner say? Scully: He said that the FBI has nothing
to hide . . . and neither do we. Mulder: So, apparently, we're on the lookout for someone whose hair matches her fingernails -- bubblegum pink. ) That'd be a good color for you, Scully. --- Officer:
This is my favorite part of the job-- knocking down crack houses.
(Mulder and Scully exit the house. Another camera team arrives with
Wetzel. Scully looks at them with horror.) Wetzel:
You really believe me, huh? You really believe
I saw what I thought I saw?
Wetzel: You know, I've been on the job 18 months-- all I ever wanted
to do. Right out of the gate, I get some kind of rep like I'm crazy?
I mean, you know how cops are. How's somebody supposed to live that
down? Wetzel:
And it's hard to have a fast-track career in law enforcement when everybody
think you're nuts. Coroner's
Assistant: Well, we got murder victims stacked three-deep in the freezer.
Plus you got this camera crew reporting everything. Why? (To the camera guys) Scully: Damn it. I hate you guys. --- Mulder: . . . Wetzel? It can't hurt you! You're a * bleep* Sheriff's Deputy, Wetzel! Don't be afraid now. And you're on national television, so cowboy up! --- Scully:
You think the Deputy stopped it whatever it was? Scully: It's going to be a hard one to write up. --- |